2172. On Cruz and the unabashed BS of Politics

The other day I was watching my kids run around the house playing games. The eldest would make up rules and use those things to his advantage. After a while the others caught on to the rules and started using them against him. This he did not appreciate and promptly changed the rules and the tone of the game to make it in his favor once more–even going so far as complaining and belittling the rules he once so loudly railed about in order to maintain an advantage.

I think you see where I’m gong here.

The modern political process is a high-priced kids game gone awry. Back during Obama’s first run we saw a great deal of yelling and screaming about how he wasn’t American because he was supposedly born in Kenya. Now nobody at this time (or ever after) bothered to mention that he would still be an American because his mother is an American citizen.

Fast-forward to the new ‘birther’ debate. Ted Cruz was born in Canada. This makes him Canadian. Now this fact on its own makes him ineligible as a candidate because he isn’t a natural born citizen, except all of a sudden everyone is talking about the fact that he has an American born parent, which automatically gives him dual citizenship and makes him an American.

Funny how this fact didn’t sway the anti-obama crowd but now we are supposed to not only know this but accept it so quickly that this issue shouldn’t even be tackled by the media.

There is a double standard–a growing double standard as those who have long been seen as the norm and the power group are losing power. We see those people flailing about and reaching out for any way to hold on, much like kids do when they sense things tipping. Things have already tipped.

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