2177. The Names Have It

The initial week of Spring classes is nearly over and I haven’t lost my mind yet. The same can be said of the first quarter of a 7 game flag football season. Now I recognize I’ve given a lot of attention to the coaching, but when there are three teams involved it gets a bit cumbersome. Add in 125 students and nightmares begin to take form.

Its the names that worry me. I’m not good with names to begin with. I tend to remember people in context. The kid with the too white hair and Knicks ball cap who said that one thing that one time, the girl with the pretty shoes. These people have names and, on occasion, I’ll remember them. however, en masse remembering 150 people I see at least twice a week (counting in the teams I coach) is a tall order.

All of this is really a symptom of something larger. No, not Alzheimer’s (I hope), but a lack of a system of organization for how I do things. Its become painfully obvious that I’m not at my best when scattered. How else does one lose keys on a mountain, lose keys in a classroom, lose his train of thought… (what was I talking about? oh!) constantly?

So, I’m working hard to not feel so Spent and develop better habits for dealing with this new life I’ve carved out for myself. Change is good and hard — about as hard as remembering 150 names every semester.

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