2660. Reflections on a Monday Night

We are a really undersexed society.

This isn’t news, of course, but I feel like it bears repeating and analysis. The way I see it, the internet is largely about sex. I’m not talking about porn sites, but even video game sites like twitch have been all but coopted by cleavage. A scan of any set of top 10 moments caught on twitch will inevitably contain 5 or more that are sex related. I’m talking basic stuff here–see a girls butt or hoo-ha, mom caught in a bikini, heck one dude even had a hooker delivered to his door. Where is the gaming here?

There is none, because the point is arousal. We crave any hint of sexual exposure and I believe it is really damaging male/female relations. Sex is an exciting part of any lifestyle, but it ought to be left as an intimate part of any lifestyle. Intimate means it isn’t about cleavage on TV.

Yeah, I get the inherent hypocrisy.


Some Thoughts:

  1. Looking forward to the end of season tourney for copa flag football. It is the first one they’ve done and the only one I’ll be doing. I’m out on the city and, as a result, the sports. It would be nice to go out with a win for the kids and a coaching win for the self.
  2. When Obama golfed while president it was a big deal. People across the country acted like he was wasting tax payer money. When Trump does it, the act is applauded as part of his wonderful business acumen. Confirmation bias, folks.

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