2.118. Waiver Wednesday

It is getting harder and harder to watch football. Think about how we structure the game these days. It is becoming more and more like it’s namesake where fans are clearly locked into a team and by that team, a belief system. Once your team starts rolling down the ‘ol hill, what do you do? You watch and support, because its your team and we have been taught that this is the team we watch. Maybe you have a second team–I see that more with younger viewers–but still you’re limited. In truth the league pushes fantasy football in order to create a schema where viewers are interested in what is happening in games other than their own. I quit fantasy football, and now I don’t have much of a reason to watch at all.

Quick review: I’m a Giants fan. My team has one win and six losses. Each loss was heartbreaking and ended in the loss of one or more players for multiple weeks. My team is battling attrition. Before long the Giants will be starting rookies off the practice squad. Wait, they already do.  So there’s that.

Since the season is such doom and gloom, I find it hard to finish a game. That means my Sunday plans do not involve live television. This is a strange thing for a football fan. Even stranger for such an avid fan as myself. I could watch other teams, but I don’t have that baseline investment to care. I only watch the Raiders for Marshawn Lynch. No other player means enough to me on his own to warrant a game watch–especially if the aforementioned player is on or against a team I dislike.

That’s it. All I got for now.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Wound up with about 4 hours of sleep last night. I no longer believe that sleep is the cousin of death. In truth sleep seems to ward off death, and the less I sleep…
  2. Love is hard and dangerous and leads people to behave outside of themselves in the absence of what fuels them.

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