789. On Friendship & Marriage

I think a lot of people get caught up in the knowledge that your life partner is supposed to be your best friend. This does not mean that partner is supposed to be your only friend. In fact it is healthy to have a life outside of your relationship. It creates a sense of ownership in your life. In other words, if you have friends beyond your partner and a life beyond your partner it means that you have something that belongs to you and something that you bring to the table, socially, that is different from what your partner brings.
All of this bubbled to the surface when I started thinking about how little time I spend with friends. I felt like being away from my friends was okay in one sense, because it meant more time with the wife. However, it also meant that I didn’t have access to that writer’s world (I tend to hang out with writers) nor did I have guy time. Both of these are incredibly important to maintaining who I am. This is probably the key part of having your own friends–you have a better chance of holding on to that core being that your partner married.
Some Thoughts:
1. I have been looking into evernote integration through wordpress. The software is called everpress and it allows me to upload posts from evermote-which I use on everything from my phone to my desktop–directly to my 10 minute rule. I am also looking into Canvas integration for school-based blogs. Oh the ways web 2.0 is shaping our interactions.
2. Speaking of evernote, I’m blogging through evernote right now, expecting to cut and paste the words to either my iweb or the wordpress, provided I get that working. The problems have been narrowed to 3: importing all the old stuff, incorporating a theme that doesn’t crash the entire blog (happened twice), and upgrading to 3.4. Currently working with the capable ixwebhosting folks to resolve said problems.

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