810. Where the Rule Went

No, I didn’t give up on the rule. In the financial poostorm that is daily life my account lapsed–triggered by a change in banks (We no longer endorse BOA here). When switching banks and bill pay accounts there is certain to be some lag and resulting drama. The last few weeks have been all of that and worse. Hopefully the financial madness will stop trending and I can exchange that level of drama for a few weeks of focus on rebuilding myself.

I think the 30’s are about letting go and settling in. The 30’s are when athletes start heading down hill. How you respond to that sudden physical deterioration has a direct impact on the rest of your life. I believe that is why so many athletes dies young. The break from the healthy regimen that kept them going, and when the injuries catch up with them, it hits a lot harder than it ought to.
I can talk about this stuff from experience. Not the pro part (I was a walk on who didn’t make it to the travel squad–thanks to injuries), but the letting go at 30 and watching the body nosedive into oblivion. Now at 37 I’m left with the challenge of restoring my body to a healthy weight and activity level.
It is true that people who are out of shape are emotionally different from when they are in shape. This means I should be a lot happier in 20 lbs.
The trouble is getting there.

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