
I am presently on hold with directtv, who have recently locked me out of my account for 24 hrs on the opening day of football and have had me on hold for ten minutes. My guess, it is going to be a long wait. So… It is going to be a long rant.

Our current econo-political system is broken. We talk in broadstrokes about not having monopolies but do everything in our mass marketing power to drive people towards the goal of liking one thing and given total power over that one thing to a single, massive, corporation. Like Jon Oliver, I am done with AT&T. However, like Oliver, I am still stuck dealing with AT&T so long as I choose to like football and live out of market of the teams I want to see play.

Direct TV is owned by AT&T. They hold the only contract on out of market NFL games. That means if you want to see a game that is not going out over a free public channel in your area you gotta go through them.

So, as I struggle with this for the second time in three years (I stopped using it for a year after the first full day game-missing struggle) I am reflecting on how this has really just become the American experience. We are all slaves to the corporation and we gauge and judge our worth based on corporations or what they produce. We value ourselves by things. We estimate American wealth by stocks. We are the worst version of capitalists in that we pretend to value individual capital and instead find ourselves slaves to the larger corps and their wants and needs and we get lost in the machinery of things very quickly.

I am lost in the machinery. I have sent my money off into that dark void and all I am getting back is headaches. I really dislike the system and the corp and the fact that I cannot watch my damn game.

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