4.452. Debatable?

Now I did not see all of the debate, but I did see enough of the replay to realize that the country is in a heap of trouble. The debate was trash. Worse, it was tragic. At one point Trump asked the Proud Boys to stand by. Later he asked his supporters to go to the polls and observe. How very 1950’s of him to remember that this is how things were done to intimidate black and brown voters.

I am officially shook.

Some Thoughts:

  1. The term ‘like a dog in heat’ never actually meant anything to me until now. My dog is out of control now that our female is in heat. Lets also mark the date of September 28th, because that is the day (I believe) they first mated, which means 63 days from then (4.516?) is when we are likely to have puppies. Whoa. That is not long from now. That is also pushing against the xmas season.
  2. It is hard to deal with this dog like this. Once that scent takes him he is a mess…
  3. Now that I have mentally checked out on returning as a coach it is a hard thing to want to pour energy into improving as a coach of this specific offense/defense. Am I just doing it to prove myself and my skills and knowledge to the other coaches? Am I trying to establish value when I recognize my own value, thus not entirely needing it to be recognized by them? Or am I just trying to fit in?

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