4.456. Reflections on a Saturday Afternoon

I forgot to publish again last night. Once again it is the ‘push the button twice’ problem that plagues me. In other words it is attention to detail that plagues me. Attention to detail was high on my mind this morning when I woke up for the scrimmages. I know we have a top tier team but it is the little things about technique and placement that will make all the difference. Unfortunately, what I didn’t think about was the big things–like players actually showing up. We were so shorthanded that we moved two three running backs to Offensive Line just in order to have enough kids to play the run game. By the end of the second scrimmage we’d lost another OL to asthma and one was still recovering from dehydration. Such is the way of Youth Football.

Apparently the way is also having other teams come and film you in an effort to get a peak at the #1 pre-season squad. See, there I go getting wrapped up in the nonsense myself. It is youth football, so why all the attitude, energy, emotion, and anger?

On the way home from the game we passed 3 Trump Caravans at an average of 10 cars apiece. The middle caravan had two ad trucks displaying video billboards teeming with propaganda. Nobody told them Trump is in the hospital getting oxygen (or not) and the spin is so dizzying that nobody in the public can actually be sure what his status actually is. This is not about transparency, folks. It is about self preservation at all levels of the administration and the people following along are sheep who’ve been mind-drugged by the same media they profess to distrust and dislike.

This is America.

It does not have to be.

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