4.457. Fireside Reflections

I thought it would be nice to blog by the fire tonight, but the fire won’t start and the internet is spotty, and the mosquitos are hungry, so the entire thing is feeling less and less like a good time. Sort of how today went.

This was not a bad day. Overall it was a productive day. I am building a computer for the first born and windows was installed today. I cleaned the new space (loft 2.0?) a little more and I even added a new family xbox account to make it so anyone could play without using my account and causing untold disaster.

*note* the anyone clause does not apply to all of us playing madden at the same time because that would mean 5 machines and two copies of the game. I am considering a disk copy for one of the machines in order to make it so we don’t need to deal with that problem but a 3rd copy of a trash game???

In general it was the kind of day that reminds me how close I am to the kind of life I want to have and how far I am from having all the details down. As I write this I am resting my legs on a chair and the chair is sliding away slowly because of the pressure I’ve placed on it and the day feels sort of like that as well. And the life feels sort of like that as well. All of this is to say that there is a way to be in life and a way to make life be for you.

I am learning the way.

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