6.9. Freewrite Friday

Word of the day is Baksheesh: Payment (such as a tip or bribe) to expedite service

We are working in 2nd person today.

Barter, Man

You don’t want your father to see this. You don’t want to have to explain yourself, not again. The last time he looked at you with those sunken eyes and said nothing. This was worse than words. Your mother had plenty of words. Between her and your friends you could build a bridge to New Jersey with all of the words. But your father said nothing. He would say nothing again if he saw you now.

It is cold outside. The wind moves like a snake between the buildings. It whispers and rattles and you try to bury your head deeper into your scarf to keep your lips from drying out. You knock a 3rd time and finally the man opens the door. He eyes you warily and says, “We are closed.”

It is 5:59 and they close at 6 pm. You say, “Please. I only need a moment to get what I need.”

The man is balding though he cannot be older than thirty years. He hides half of his face behind the door. You think for a moment to put your foot in the door, to fill the space with your red shoes and the slush and muck from the long walk over. Instead you say please again. He shakes his head and repeats his earlier denial. It very well may be six now.

“I have money. I can pay. I can pay just to get in.”

He raises an eyebrow. He says, “How much will you pay?”

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