6.115. Reflections on a Thursday Night

Long day of yard work which led to my back feeling like it belongs to a much older man. I can fight through that, but only for a little while. In the end I wind up in bed with a heat pack on it for more hours than I am truly prepared for. My firstborn needs to start driving and take some of that pressure off of me. It is going to happen in the next few weeks. I intend to force the issue.

Speaking of forcing the issue, I find that I am getting closer to my deadline and spending less time than required on the project. I cannot finish if I don’t work, and I don’t work for nearly long enough. It needs to be far more of a priority than it has been. At the same time some of these chapters are flat out hard to write–it is about making it sound the way I want and feeling lost and disappointed when that doesn’t happen (colloquially known as the writing process).

Well, back to the page… right after I share…

Some Thoughts:

  1. Now that the decision has been made to move my son to a different team, it raises the question about whether or not I should coach him this final season. The original plan had been to not to. I trusted the coaching he was getting. This new experience means new coaching, but it is also the same staff he will deal with at the high school level, with a few youth coaches added to the mix. So, the real decision is about what I want my involvement to look like. Deep down? I want to be a part of it. I want to coach. However, I do not know if I should. I had up to this point decided to not coach. So, I should stick to it. At the least I should have a real conversation about it with my partner–get her input. Find out where I truly stand.
  2. My mid kid is getting better at the track stuff, though it is not showing in his times. His times are getting worse. I don’t quite get the correlation. Moreover, he’s getting beat by other freshmen (from other schools) which never used to happen. He’s slipped to 11th overall in his age group, which is not where he wants to be.

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