6.119. Reflections on Raising a Man

While I have not formally voiced this to my son’s youth team, he will not be returning to the team. Instead he will be joining the newly forming feeder team for his high school. We are doing it so he learns the right way. We are doing it because that culture was exposed as being so entirely toxic that I don’t feel like we can return without becoming a part of that toxicity. This is a team that doesn’t shake hands. This is a team that teaches good football fundamentals but doesn’t teach about sportsmanship and losing gracefully the way I hoped.

The grass is not always greener on the other side. I learned that when I moved from one college to another. I take that lesson with me in this. I don’t know that this new situation is going to be any less toxic than the last. I know that I will be more vigilant as a dad in teaching my son what is right and what is wrong. I know that having two other kids involved at the High School level creates a sense of cultural understanding and teaching moments that I can build upon in my role as a father.

No, I don’t know where things stand with me as a coach. My partner and I have yet to have that conversation about commitment.

I know I feel like this is a positive change and there is plenty of room to grow from all of this. I am excited to see what this change brings and the growth that comes out of it.

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