6.143. Spooky action from a distance

So, I have a number of odd theories kicking around in my brainpan. One of them is that we do in fact live in a multiverse. I believe there are many versions of ourselves operating along the probability matrix. I’ve been thinking on this for decades and the more I consider it the more I feel this is how things are. It ties into the larger questions of quantum entanglement and the multiple iterations of existence itself. Is this the 8th time our universe has been created only to eventually be destroyed? Why are we here at all? While I am fine with the possibility that we are a side effect of a randomized planetary collision, I am not fine with us using that as a blank check to do whatever we want to existence. We need to learn. We need to make things better. We need to figure out what ‘better’ actually means.

It dos not mean doing the nonsense we are doing now as a fragmented global society. We need to be better than we are now. This much is certain.

Some Thoughts:

  1. AZ skyline makes the heat entirely worthwhile.

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