6.147. On Zombies

Want to know who is the best deep passer from last year by the stats? Daniel Jones. Yup. Danny delivered Dimes at a rate of 48% on the deep ball with a rating of 134–highest of the league QBs. Stop sleeping on my guy!

Actually, sleep. SLEEP (insert wave of hand here).

I know it isn’t Wednesday but that stat jumped out at me and I wanted to share. I wanted to write a blog about Army of the Dead, but turns out I need more content to make this thing go Ten Minutes. Yeah, the movie sucked. Should you watch it? Well, no. It isn’t really worthy of the 2.5 hr runtime. BUT if you really want to enjoy the best of the film, watch the first 10 minutes and then shut it off. You might not even need to go the entire ten. Like I said, I don’t even need to write the entire ten on the subject.

Here is the brief:

Military is transporting a special cargo. Cargo is lost. Cargo goes to Vegas to start Zombie society. Mayhem unfolds. If you are expecting linkages to previous films in the Of the Dead variety, don’t. This is the new stuff. This is unrelated and not very good and has a deeply unsatisfying ending.

The lead actor, Bautista, is not built for these sort of meaningful sensitive lead roles. He mangles it horribly and barely manages to balance the effort against the hard ass soldier motif he is also trying to pull off. Honestly, I fear the plot was likewise maligned by the bad direction because it wound up not making a lot of sense and failing to have truly believable motivations.

In spite of a few great action sequences, this movie is pure junk…

Unlike Daniel Jones.

I rate it a Jamarcus Russell: Lots of hype that ended up fat and useless.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I did the thing again when I forget to hit publish twice… Dear WordPress, that is trash. Let the dimwitted and lazy have it easy!
  2. No, don’t. Seriously the dimwitted and lazy have it far too easy. We need to make stuff harder. Let’s control access through sheer force of labor and intelligence. Free access to communication is why we have Qanon in the first place…
  3. Gosh. That’s clearly an overcorrection on my part. I guess I can no longer run for office post publication of this blog.

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