6.177. Waiver Wednesday

Did you know it has been 10 seasons since the Giants won the Super bowl? I’m reminded of this because they are reminding me. They are releasing merch and planning a 10 yr anniversary celebration on Oct. 17th when they host the Rams. Why? I guess because a generation of fans have no clue that the giants were a winning team. To be honest, none of my kids remember it. None of them were all that into pro football (or any football for more than half of them) when it went down. I was. I still am. I still think it is really sad that they need to remind all of us that they won once upon a time.

Ten years. Have they even seen the playoffs in the last decade? There was that wildcard back in 16′ half the distance, temporally, from the big win. Maybe they hope to cast a new light on the team and new hope that we can win right now… or at least get to the playoffs. But can we (they)?

The short answer is yes. The division is junk and they were an Eagles surrender away from making it as is. I expect all four squads to be better, but I fully expect Dallas to struggle in the run as a result of the coaching style, and that was their strength. The improved secondary for the G-men should allow our line to get back there enough to at least split with the Cowboys, and the strength of schedule favors our style of play more than theirs. I can be surprised still. The Washington Football Team (whose perspective list of names includes bombs such as, Anchors, Archers, Beacons, Griffins, Redwolves, Razorbacks, Swifts, Wayfarers, and 32FC) is a hot mess of potential. They found a solid QB and they have a rising defense, but honestly, I think the poor media coverage is where they sink or swim. Either they band together against the coming hate (those names tho…32FC? WTF-C!) or they collapse beneath it. Lets not forget the culture of the team and office has already been in question and nobody is really talking about all the crap that needs to be cleaned up from the top down. As for the Eagles? No. They suck. Full stop.

All of that being said, I’m saying we have a chance to do more than just celebrate that time we won… back before the world moved on and our poor play let it.

Some Thoughts:

  1. This website is not free. I’m reminded of that each time that massive Site5 bill rolls out…

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