6.184. Bloganovella Chapter 16

Humanity is fragile. Metahumans get a bad shake of it. If you believe the newsfeeds then Orks and Trolls die early. Dwarves are, well, dwarves, and Elves might get to live forever. Truth be told, I’ve never seen an old elf, so maybe there is a thread of anecdotal truth to that one. Truth also be told, I have a fascination for elves that stops short of fetichism because of how prominently they are displayed in the fashion and beauty world. In other words, its not a fetish because the media says it is okay to salivate over hot elves.

But I digress. Humanity is fragile. We tend to fight against that fragility with the help of science and technology. We fill ourselves with treatments, ointments, biotech, cyberware, even magic as a way to make us healthy and extend our lives past the point we ought to be living. This desire to prolong ourselves feeds the business model of places like Executive Body Enhancements. EBE makes its money putting high dollar, high grade cyber and bio technology into people. It’s all there on the net. They pitch themselves as a lifestyle company and do a hell of a job of it. No less than 5 AA rated corps are presently bidding to buy them out. Of course, EBE says it isn’t selling, but everything in the 6th world is for sale.

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