6.213. Reflections on a Thursday Afternoon

Real talk: I’m in that space where I am willing to do anything besides write this story. I’m finding mundane tasks to finish. I’m looking for ways to not write this story, because it is hard and because it matters and because I don’t automatically know where I am going with everything. The struggle is real, and as I’ve reported here before, it is similar to what people like to call writer’s block. I am not doing a very good job addressing the problem though. Instead, I am not doing, well, anything and that is causing things to stack up and placing me in exactly the position I did not want to be in entering the new semester.

So, something has to give. After this blog I expect to get out of the house and run some errands. It is better than sitting here and pretending I am going to write when I am not. Then, I am going to write out a more composed to do list and start posting what needs to get done on a daily basis. I have to get in tune and get on schedule quickly.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I do in fact believe it is time to move.
  2. How and where that fully transpires is a matter of discussion. I’m game though. I am certainly game.
  3. Youth Football blacklists are a thing. They are a thing because of parents and I hate to say it but I feel like I am on one–especially with certain teams. There is a chance my son’s team won’t have enough players and if that happens, there is not another team he can go to this season. So, he’ll be done with youth football. That sucks for him. Sad way to end it, but such is the way things may need to be.

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