
This is not the Novell either. No, this is a late night Saturday blog following a big energy draining day and practically no sleep from the night before. It’s what you call one of those free thought and waning state of mind blogs. I’ve had a day full of sports practices, driving around, dealing with my oft obnoxious and privileged kids and launching the final dragon ball hunt.

The last one is worth conversation we launched the hunt successfully after a series of website and creative process driven false starts. Some of it was me just being an ass but some of it was tech and some of it was uncertainty about the direction of this last hunt. We persevered and launched the challenge which ended a little bit ago. They earned multiple dragon balls—theee of the seven!

it only gets harder from here. The next challenge is very Canadian, and I’ll explain more about after they solve the clues to get there. I’m thinking a cipher clue…

all in all it’s been a physical day and I’m drained. Thankfully these ten minutes blogging on this phone are up. I can finally rest.

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