6.237. On Writing

The thing about Stephen King that makes him so enduring to me is the nature of his writing voice. It feels like a guy telling you a story. Even the false steps feel like the meanderings of a storyteller. I hope to attain that control over my writing voice one day so that I can tell stories that feel so present and meaningful. I’ve never felt that way about George RR Martin. He tells epic tales that tend to feel like dirty fantasies. Even back in the Wildcards days he told the same kind of story. This did not change with GoT. If anything he got worse. He also steals a lot. As my partner continues to work her way through the Dune series (I quit after book 2) I see more and more of Heberts footprints in all of GoT. The characters, the situations, all of it is straight robbed from Dune and fancied up with a lot of sex and a few Dragons.

I am no longer impressed.

I am, however, hoping to avoid that same kind of thievery as I build my fantasy world from the ground up with a careful attention to the details of how and why. I’m looking forward to what I can create.

Some Thoughts:

  1. The new update is still a hot mess. I’m strongly considering changing themes in order to compensate.

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