
This is entirely theoretical but I am thinking I should get back to the bloganovella tomorrow. I need to get moving on that and try to recraft a semblance of normalcy in a life that has been disrupted by a return to a version of near-normalcy in the resumption of classes and especially face to face classes where I am actually leaving the house and going out into the world for more than the end of week kid pickup and the occasional date or even trip to the store. For one, I’m wearing clothes for professional reasons and that requires me to have such things. This is a growing issue as I roll into week two with basically nothing to wear.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I figure I ought to just jump right into the thoughts because I am struggling stringing together anything more coherent than a paragraph lately. This is why it has been so long since real creative stuff has come out.
  2. I don’t have thoughts though…

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