6.251. Reflections on a Sunday Night

My partner has Gremlins. I used to get them once a year, but now she seems to get them on a regular basis. Are Gremlins transmittable? Hers seem to focus on laptops–macbooks to be specific. Her mousepads fail on a yearly basis. We’ve gone through three macbooks already. We’re on the 4th. I don’t get how that works. I blamed it on her electro-chemical makeup. That’s probably a stretch.

Calling this a reflection is probably a stretch. It feels more like…

Some Thoughts:

  1. One of our puppies is a punk ass. He cries all the time because the others bully him. By bully I mean they play with him the way puppies play and he doesn’t like it and cries. Loudly. It’s rough.
  2. All my kids hate English. Makes me wanna hate all my kids.
  3. Revision is damn hard.
  4. My favorite class to teach right now is Mythology.
  5. My favorite show to watch right now is Jupiter’s Legacy.
  6. My favorite food… I’m not all that into food at the moment.
  7. I am into the Madden Franchise. Fun! The updates are meh, but it is always fun starting something new.
  8. Excited about the upcoming youth season of football. Not remotely ready as a coach. I gotta start that process Tuesday by learning more of the play calls and getting the rhythm of who is good at what and which plays work together so I can be helpful to the OC and be able to run more of the offensive practice when the man is gone.

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