
For as much as I pay for the internet, you’d think I would be able to type a ten minute post without having to wait for every single word to load letter by letter. You’d be wrong and I be pissed about it. The first few minutes of this blog were chewed up by such nonsense until I eventually scrapped that entire position and resorted to a word doc.

Word scares me. It never did, but I got used to the cloud and apple stopped making computers with ports that would readily accept a flash drive—I have adapters but that crap is cumbersome to lug about. I’m editing my novel on this laptop and if something goes wrong, the novel goes away. Such is the past of computers and ought not to be the present but here we are. I’m still using word as the world spins on towards the future without me.

But I was talking about the internet.

My sister in-law is back in town briefly and trying to convince us to move to Honduras where we can live as expats. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of a black expat. While they may exist it is more culturally honest to recognize that black folk aren’t trying to leave the USA to go anywhere in South America. Africa? Maybe. Europe? Also maybe. Canada? Nah, son. That being said, I’m more interested in going up than down (relatively speaking given the Ameri-centric maps I rock).

I’m also out of time to write about it.

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