6.645. Why I Want to Write Fantasy

As a sci-fi writer I spend a great deal of time looking forward into the near future. I’ve been a terrible futurist as I have rarely looked beyond the next 100 years. This has been on my mind lately as I’ve been watching the future shaped by Asimov’s Foundation and other far flung sci-fi epics. More and more as I try to look forward I find myself wanting to know how we got here. I want to look backwards and explore the beginnings. In essence, I think I want a do over.

I enjoy the simplicity of fantasy. Often people assume a love for fantasy is a love for the magic. For me it is the mythology and the swordplay. I dig magic–don’t get me wrong–but that is not the source of my need to write in that genre. I have a desire to build old worlds and create the mythos that can be carried forward a thousand generations. Perhaps it is my god complex or minecraft or whatever you call the need to create (other than being a writer). This is a thing I want to do and feel like I can do successfully. At least I’ll give it the good ol college try.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Still no real cricket-killing plan.

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