6.651. Late Blog

I’m writing this at 11pm in bed and I don’t know how much I really have to say at this point in the night. I spent the day with my partner hanging out in the woods and that was wonderful. It was followed by the standard back and forth driving that comes with having kids of a certain age. Now, it’s super late and I’m ready to turn in. But I need ten minutes on the blog first.

I’m not sure what to say.

this is what comes of not planning these things out in advance. When spontaneity strikes it can be a wonder thing, but what about when it doesn’t. That scenario happens more often than not lately. As we see here.

so, I suppose I’ll just turn to…

Some Thoughts:

  1. I’m the worst at typing on a phone. Everything is fat fingers missing keys.
  2. That time went a lot faster than I thought it would

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