6.654. Lists

For the 47th time, lists work.

I’m laying in bed in my phone at 5:30 am thinking about the mountain of stuff that I have to do this morning, which led me to remembering the past four times I did this and forgot a large portion of those responsibilities. I didn’t write them down and as a result they didn’t get done. I simply have too much to do to remember it all in my head. The lack of desire to do most of it also lends itself to forgetting.

The nature of my brain wiring is to focus on instant gratification or close gratification scenarios which I have little actual control over. I was the kid who dreamed about what gifts were going to be under the tree as opposed to focusing on what I could do to earn money for the stuff I wanted as gifts. There is a thread of laziness in that which I handed down to my kids and absolutely ruins my partnership on a weekly basis. I won’t fall into the trap of saying I’m too old to rewire my brain, but I know lists keep me on the right path.

I ought to go write one right now..

Some thoughts:

  1. Just read that Colin Powell died of Covid complications. We hear a lot about famous people or even just friends of friends dying of the disease or because of it, but I don’t know anyone personally who died of Covid. Of course, I don’t know anyone who died of Cancer or Pneumonia or the Flu either.

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