
As symbols go, this is unlikely to happen again. It could be considered a portent or perhaps just a simple coincidence that I am feeling as I am on a blog day such as this. I want to talk about gift culture. Specifically, I want to consider the idea that gift culture isn’t always one thing. In other words, what some people see as gift other see as solution to problem or simply the best possible option.

let’s imagine a romantic bond. Thomas and Kit have know each other for years and, together, they share a connection that is no different than family. They both own homes but Thomas’ situation is such that he cannot sustain the home. Thomas wants to leave. Kit doesn’t want to leave. He has attachments that he must tend to, a work situation that means that leaving will cost him a great deal of money, and doesn’t actually understand where to go or if leaving will help change their lives in a positive direction.

Kit’s solution is to sell his home, pay towards Thomas’ home and take over the bills for Thomas in order to help put Thomas in a situation where staying is not only manageable but there is space for Thomas to find the growth and change he needs.

Kit is scared. Kit knows that he is putting himself at extreme risk. If Thomas decides to terminate the relationship then Kit will be homeless and broke, given that he invested all he had into this new living arrangement. Kit is scared but feels it is a reasonable fear to have and one he knows he can get over. However, Thomas sees Kit’s fear as a red flag and Kit starts to wonder if Thomas even sees his fear as irrational. Thomas wants to view the new arrangement as a gift, but is it? Or is it a solid solution to a problem?

The more I consider the conundrum the more i wonder where to go with this story. It’s a human story with feelings and fears and histories intertwining to create real tension. I just don’t know how it’s supposed to end.

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