
My kids are listless. While there are one or two exceptions to this general condition, I find that they don’t actually care about much or have any real ambition in their lives. This bugs me. It occurred to me yesterday when I was blogging about ambition, but today it feels so much more apparent. Maybe its because i slept on it. Maybe its because of the level of privilege they exhibit. I mean, why should they have to wash dishes or even care about rinsing them or putting away food or lifting a finger to prevent things being destroyed–especially if doing so interferes with watching their video or playing a game (nothing interrupts a game, because a game actually matters). Instead they let the conditions deteriorate and complain about the conditions after the fact.

They complain a lot, in fact.

Again, this is not all of them, but it is all of them at some point. I don’t know if I was this bad between the range of 12-20 but I want to think that I would be aware of ti had I been that bad. I was self-focused to be sure, but I did more chores and respected my space more than most of these kids. I cared about my future and I invested in my future in the present. They largely don’t and that is going to end badly for them. Take it from someone who eventually stopped investing in his future in the present and stopped moving forward.

This is not the way.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Russia is apparently about to invade parts of the Ukraine and, well, the majority of my country couldn’t care less. We haven’t been given a reason to care. If I’ve learned anything about being an American its being selfish.

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