
Blogging from the main office for the first time in a while. It is now a week before Xmas and I am still thin on the presents. Of course, the idea was to be light on gifts as we gave each other the gift of travel, but I still grabbed a handful of fun and interesting things that kept the price of gifts below… a few hundred. I am happy in my life right now and it feels like I haven’t been able to say that for a long time. It took a ton to get here. I’ve struggled and struggled with a great deal both personally and from interpersonal issues. Yet I am still standing… sitting, actually, as I construct this blog.

Toughest takeaway from the trip: I lost my charger for my mac. Those things cost a bundle not to mention it had the special adapter my partner gave me a year ago. Sucks.

Best takeaway from the trip: All we need is each other. We find entertainment in that and in the world around us without trying too hard and in spite of what else may be going on.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Been rebuilding the home network. Switching out the switches to models that are less than 5 years old. That ought to edge the speed up a tad when traffic is heavy. We added a mesh network designed to improve range and signal strength. So far so good. Now… what to do with the old gear?
  2. Probably need to wait until monday to get back to the fantasy novel world. Time is not there right now.
  3. I am very bad at Madden. It disturbs me how much I fail at that game compared to all 5 of my boys. I just don’t get it. Definitely need to put more time on task in order to get better. There’s a few sites I like, but Madden School is probably the best.

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