6.716. Reflections on a Sunday Night

First of all, I really need to get back to some order in this blog. I feel the blog often goes as the life goes and the life has gone full leisure. This is not to say there is not work to be done. However, there is work not getting done. I think I need a touchstone. I’m better with a daily touchstone that involves productive work vs. games. Holiday touchstones are great but temporary and provide a strange sense of timelessness. I don’t need timelessness. I need time management and goals. That is how I get things done. Of course, holidays aren’t about that life. They are about sleeping in and enjoying the family and that has its own joys.

Some Thoughts:

  1. I really hate the idea of Lacrosse being so bourgeoisie given its roots in the NAN community. It feels like football was structured in the early days. Perhaps The NAN will take their game back. In my lifetime I mean.
  2. Still a chance my sad little 4-9 fantasy team advances in the playoffs. Such is fantasy… Just don’t sell the bag.

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