6.721. The Blog Before Christmas

Twas the Night Before Christmas
After Covid ravaged our lands
Twas a night we made merry
and made Christmas plans

We gathered at Grandma’s to give gifts and cheer
We left with full bellies and pajamas to wear

Twas a night we found happiness in one and all
When we looked forward to summer and remembered the fall.

Christmas is coming! Said no one in the place
Yet the sentiment hung off of everyone’s face.
This would be the first time we 8 would gather near
We’d not shared a Christmas morning in all of these years

As I write these lines the boys sit and they chatter
Moments like these is why holidays matter.
It is about love and family all around
About laughter about music about the house filled with sound

Yet I sit in the darkness listening to the clack of these keys
And still in this moment I find myself pleased.
I helped make this happen. I helped us become one.
I helped raised these 5 boys I’m proud to call sons.
I helped with a daughter, I helped her grow up
I helped my partner raise 18 young pups.

All of this I did because I found what matters most
In this special woman true love found its host.
In the end this is what brings me the most cheer
To say, Merry Christmas, and I love you, dear.

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