6.722. Reflections on a Christmas

So, my partner gives the greatest gifts. This one is a trip to Vegas to see the John Legend Residency. Nice. I’m happier every day that I chose this life. That is all. Except…

Some Thoughts:

  1. Yeah, I’ve been up for twenty hours. So, I’m worked down to a thin nub of consciousness, in need of a shower, a good night’s sleep, and a ton of Minecraft time.
  2. In terms of the ‘craft, I’m going back to the realms world with the plan to build a castle. I’ve been trying to build this dang medieval castle for years, and I’ve never finished one through multiple worlds. I am trying hard to make sure that this actually happens finally. I am going to look for a place to build it tomorrow and then get down to work on building that bad boy. Step one, of course, make sure I have the supplies. Second, make sure I am doing it near a space that has villagers so there is a chance to develop a solid town structure around this place. Perhaps even land it near a portal to the nether that has access to good materials?
  3. Yeah, I am very clearly exhausted at this point and speaking in gibberish. That is the thing about making sure you blog every day–even Christmas-some of it is wack.
  4. Still pushing out all of that bad is the way to get to the good, right? I often believe this, but I occasionally wonder if writing too much just means you are burned out all the time. I suspect the most prolific of writers would call me on that BS.
  5. Speaking of writing, it is back to the novel soon… Both fantasy and sci-fi work. First I build the classes in order to enter the semester hot and ready. Next I set the schedule. Finally, I write.
  6. Random: I need to build an XP generator in the ‘craft and I don’t know how.
  7. I also need crazy large crops that I also do not have.
  8. Okay. That’s ten.

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