6.728. Intentions

This is a ten minute blog about intentions for 2022. It is the last day of ’21 and, to be honest, the year sucked. There were moments of joy and moments of pain, and in general the pain outweighed the joy tremendously. This is the way of my life over the last few decades–perhaps entirely. The bright moments are getting brighter and farther apart, like suns heading for supernova as they speed away from each other in the vastness of cold dead space. It is my intention to live better. It is my intention to figure out what that means. In short it involves a series of steps–intentions–which drive me towards a better mindset. Here is what I resolve to do for 2022:

  1. I must become better at managing the 24 hrs of each day I am given. I must develop a strategy for stringing those days together in a productive fashion that doesn’t burn me out and doesn’t leave me in a perpetually state of laziness.
  2. I must rediscover my priorities.
  3. I have to learn to let go. I can only do what is in my power to help those around me find happiness.
  4. I must find value in my own happiness and understand what it is that makes me happy.
  5. I must unlock whatever key it is to becoming healthier, because if I don’t my life will end very quickly, and I am not done yet.
  6. I must become more aware of my drinking and limit it to a healthier level.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Back to losing at Madden to users. Whack.

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