6.733. Indulgence (Offline)

Back on home ground, but I haven’t hooked up to the ‘net for anything beyond a handful of email checks (not the work ones—not yet) and gaming. The crafting is going quite nicely with the castle nearing exterior completion. I need to do another major dig for materials and then I should be able to finish the exterior work. I found several chests full of materials from a long tunnel building excursion, so I may end up going about things in that fashion—running down a seemingly endless tunnel to recover supplies. This is all tomorrow’s news.

Today is about indulgence. I played games, listened to stories, and hung with my partner. I did the things that made me feel best about this existence and I did them all day. This is what happy looks like and I am grateful to enjoy it. I know it gets harder from here, with the semester about to uncoil, but I am okay with that. Like I tend to write, you have to experience pain to recognize the other thing.

Presently my mind is focused on getting back into the words, which should start tomorrow. I don’t know if I am launching back into the fantasy world right away or dealing with unfinished sci-fi. Either way, I am excited to be back in the chair and back doing the things that make me feel whole.

Who is to say if that leads to better blogs, finished bloganovellas or what? I can say this. Ten minutes have felt immeasurably long as of late as I drag each word out of my brain and unto the white space, but today felt a little better—if only a little. Day by day I think it gets better. Day by day I creep towards my best life.

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