6.738. Side quest

My partner came up with the term sidequest to define my habit of diving into a deeply involved but generally meaningless task right before I need to be doing something far more important. It fits. Hell, it ought to end up in the book version of my life (which will be far more interesting than my actual life should it ever come to be written). In fact, it ought to be a blog of its own… which is is today. But I digress…

My present side quest is to fix the shower in the master bathroom of our second home. To be clear, no one actually uses this space. The shower has never been used (or fully cleaned) the entire time we’ve had this attachment home. The purpose of the home is to provide two additional bedrooms, a storage space, and a game room. It does quite well in that regards. Still, I’ve slowly been messing with the back bedroom (otherwise known as the master) in search of purpose. I have considered using it as a workout space, a sexy getaway for my partner and I, etc. I don’t have a real need for that space and especially not the bathroom, but it looks like crap and I made the mistake of looking at it before, well, before the semester starts.

So of course I had to fix it.

Here’s what I learned: Leave plumbing to the professionals! I’ve taken a few days now to replace the rusted shower head (and pipe that goes to the wall) and having done that I got a wild hair to replace the drain… Upon which I discovered that the drain was either never properly installed, deteriorated over time, or I straight broke trying to unscrew. Also, screwing in a new one means uninstalling the entire shower. Not gonna happen. So, tomorrow I’m going to learn how to use caulk… and jury rig parts to fix the blasted thing back to a state of usefulness. Wish me luck

Some Thoughts:

  1. Didn’t publish the blog again last night. For a guy trying to get back into the groove I am definitely realizing how far out of that groove I actually am.

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