6.739. Waiver Wednesday

So, I lost the ‘ship. Not bad for a guy to go from 4-10 and 6th place to the ‘ship. I could’ve done better but I made two bad calls. First, I played Kittle the first week of the championship and he did terribly. I knew I should’ve started Mark Andrews. Next, knowing I should start K. Vaughn (as the only healthy Bucs RB) I decided instead to go with M. Carter of the Jets while also using the Bills D. That was not smart fantasy football. Add those lost points and I would’ve won. In short, I was outplayed by my kid. Still, good for him. He came in with the one seed after being laughed at all season as the guy with a wack team who had no chance. He showed them all wrong. I believed in him… Perhaps too much as he beat me. I learned a lot about being fluid in the roster and not relying on the big names so much. I had opportunities to grab late season stars and didn’t. The kid did. It led to wins. He deserves the cash he won and I am proud of him.

Meanwhile, the mid kid is flipping out because his High School coach got fired. I get it. He doesn’t know where he stands. This is what happened to me in college and I wound up leaving football and regretting that choice for, well, ever. He needs to stick his foot in the dirt and brace for whatever fallout happens from this and then get back to work. he has a legitimate future, and I want to see him achieve all he can both academically and athletically. He’s a star and could be a D1 kid in two years.

Some Thoughts:

  1. About to start another Giants rebuild but this time using the newly acquired PS5 Madden. Let’s see how that goes.

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