
The Giants are interviewing Joe Schoen again. That is serious business. It makes me feel like they may be taking a step forward in this process in a very exciting fashion. The only other listed candidate for a 2nd interview is one who fulfills the Rooney rule mandating a face to face interview with a minority candidate. That sounds like Schoen is going to be the guy. If so, he’s highly regarded throughout the NFL, and at 42 he’s young enough to get the current culture and build out from and around that. I think he has the chops to shake things up and, with the right coach, head for a 2 year turnaround. I think that coach is Dolphins coach Flores. He made a sad sauce Dolphins team look legit this year and got fired because he didn’t vibe with management. Everyone knows that situation was not about on field performance but more about not supporting the GM choice of players.

Meanwhile, my kids are trying to be patient and discover who their next High school coach is going to be. I personally have no idea. I have only one candidate that I don’t want running the program, because I do not feel he is the guy to lead a team to the next level–the top talent and lifelong family level. I don’t know that this is even what the team wants to be, which worries me. In truth, the coach who quit did so because the district wouldn’t let him upgrade facilities despite fundraising and wouldn’t let him bus in players (and some really good students) from areas where they are already coming to the school but not bussing to the school. The fact is, the best programs are always going to be ones drawing in players from around the state and our little program does not want to do that. They want to rely on the small patch of talent they have. They want to act like the band matters as much if not more than the football team. This is not the way to a top program–at least not a top football program. Whomever the new coach is, I hope my kids can still experience quality learning and play that gets them to the D1 level.

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