6.744. Back to life, back to the fantasy

I went back into the wonderful sprawling realm of Emil Torath today and thought and learned more about biomes and how those things impact population and resources across a world. This had not been forefront in my mind, but I am designing this realm from the ground up and I want it to make sense. Moreover, I want it to be playable. I’d love to see my creation expand into a roleplaying game setting that people may enjoy and build their own stories in. It sounds like a lot of fun to develop and it is–on the surface. It is also extremely difficult and demanding to learn everything about a world and craft and edit as you go.

I am at the point where I am building both the world and its illustrious history while trying to carve out space to tell stories. It all started with a story I wanted to tell, and now I fund myself building up to that point in the story world and trying to gauge who exists in this world in terms of people, places, alliances, religions, etc. All of this is great fun, but a world is built from characters as stories too are built from characters, and I’ve been slow to develop those characters that populate the story I want to tell. As I move forward I am focused on developing those people and building the world around their will, as it is the will of people and how they got into specific situations that drives our world and shall drive this story.

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