6.755. The One About Madden

So, I am trying to have this multi-user franchise with the boys and it has been fun so far. I’m in a strange situation where I am looking at my roster and thinking… I only have one guy at this position. I only have one guy at that position. I have 7 guys at this position! Yet in the overstaffed spaces I’m loathe to let anyone go. I just traded away one of my six running backs and I feel bad about losing that talent. Heck, when I scour the practice squad wire I see guys I got stolen from me a year or two ago and feel odd about not having those WRs on my roster! It is a strange mindset to feel as though you cannot lose anything from one or two specific positions and as a result other positions are woefully understaffed. If I lose an end then I need to grab a guy off the wire. That right there is poor team management mixed with absolute greed. I took all the smoke I could hold and won’t share. Why? Because I am waiting for one of these guys to emerge and the guy. So, the trade of Vinson felt good in that maybe he becomes the real deal on another squad, but also maybe I screwed up by letting him walk.

Some Thoughts:

  1. A lot of energy devoted to video game football. Have I been away from coaching that long?
  2. My mid-kid (and youngest soon enough) school got a new coach. He was our State FB coach of the year this year and I hope he brings that dynamism to the table for us. There is real hope in my mind that he keeps some of the guys on and, overall, puts together a staff of professionals that can make these kids better by playing into their strengths while building them up and ironing out their weaknesses. For example, my kid is a really great cover corner but is terrible in press coverage. Let’s see him play more press in practices to develop skill but let him lean on what he is good at in more game situations than he previously has done. Mix it up effectively.
  3. Yeah, still talking football tonight. That’s all that I’ve got on my mind for this particular blog situation…

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