6.756. That Bad Ending tho

That Clockwork Dynasty book utterly fell apart. It fell into the sad and familiar patterns of a male writer trying to breathe life into a female narrative. Nope. Sorry. He’s not that guy. It instead felt like what men think of as the female fantasy moment and it showed. Hard. In the end, a wonderful male narrator was wasted as the backstory voice of a bad bad bad narrative which felt trite and small in the end–a far cry from the beautiful and terrifically engaging beginning. In short, he sold the bag.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Always interesting to watch the power dynamics between brothers. In one such situation in our home it is the younger brother who holds sway. His big brother orbits around him like a protective moon, working fervently to show him things he’ll like and learn about everything he does like as a source of conversation. It is the reverse of the expected dynamic. Meanwhile, with our other set of three the Eldest/Youngest dynamic is exactly what you’d expect from the situation.
  2. Speaking on kids, my youngest advanced to the final four in his Madden 22 tournament today. The NFL-sponsored tourney covers kids 8-12 and he is at the top end of the age spectrum and has been winning big throughout. I am hopeful that he wins the entire thing. He only needs 1 win to get to the Super Bowl and earn a prize. Good luck, moneyman.
  3. Don’t have much more to say. Its been a deeply meh week for creativity. Hopefully I get something going here soon.

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