6.757. Living through the Negative

I’ve spoken about negativity a great deal lately as I’ve been dealing with a lot of it in my life lately. I feel like I am drowning in it. While others in the family opt to ignore or feed in I simply sit there and seethe, growing more despondent about the situation and my inability to change it. More over I find myself wondering why these people are so negative. What is it about our lives that leads to expressing negativity so often. Why are we living in the era of Eeore? I think it has to do with expectation and a lack of a real sense of purpose and future and love. All of that plays a role and different parts play different roles in different levels. However, the fact remains that these negative mindsets are not mine and not my cross to bear. While I love everyone around me, my main responsibility–especially in terms of mentality–is my partner. That is my focus. She and I have to be good regardless of the external surroundings. That means reinforcing our bonds and making sure there is positive energy and positive language at the front of all of our interactions. I’ve done horribly at that thus far. So, I aim to improve.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Part of that improvement has to be getting my shop in order. I have to get back to a solid writing schedule, keep looking at my health, get ahead of the school situation, and be on top of the finances.
  2. In terms of health, I need to sweat. I haven’t–not once since I hit the gym. Not even in the Sauna.

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