6.815. The Texans Thing

Two first round draft picks in each of the next three drafts? Yeah, I’d argue the Texans are winning. Except they are not. See, what we are actually looking at is a franchise so beset with bad management that articles continue to post baffled bemusement about how it all went down. Some have even gone so far to make Game of Thrones references. The problem is Jack Easterby. This is an individual whose charisma won him a position he is sorely unqualified for, yet has a vocal support base around him that both keeps him in power and aligns with him in such a way that could be considered fanatical. Sound familiar? Well, Texas is as Texas does and the Texans are no different. This is a franchise that knew about the Watson situation well in advance of the case coming out. This is a franchise that tried to head off the lawsuits once they were out and failing to do so looted the (also very dumb) Browns.

There are a lot of problems that franchise needs to fix on the management side, but if we stop for a minute and look at what is going on in terms of players and what is happening on the field then what we are really looking at is a squad that has repeatedly traded away the top talent and found ways to make it work with whoever is left. I think the team will win games. They were better than the Lions, Jets, and Jags and given the number of picks at their disposal, they could be a lot better very soon.

They wont be. Like I said, management.

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