
This comes from my phone so it likely won’t be as long as a usual ten minute experience. It is Sunday night and I’m thinking about how much needs to happen in the coming week. I have a kid graduating. I’m excited about the event and looking forward to seeing him walk. He’s my first born and his graduation makes me officially old as heck. I’m happy to not be so old that I won’t be able to see what he becomes as a man.

life has me thinking about those things more often. I’m not yet 50 but I feel as though so much as passed my eyes. I’ve lived a lot but at the same time I have barely done anything at all. There is so much left to do and so many opportunities still to be had. I’m excited for what is to come in the next chapter. Still two more kids but maybe this chapter isn’t about being their every day. Maybe there is another way that works.

some thoughts:

  1. Seems odd to transition into a conversation about basketball, but I can’t help but reflect on how badly the Suns looked. I wonder if this is the moment they decide to blow that team up. I’m sure the Lakers would be happy if they did…

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