
As I plunge into the summer semester I am locked in on the thought that I need to be better organized, prioritized, and actualized. In short, I need to have my stuff together. I don’t, presently. I have yet to even formulate a list of the things I need to do. It will be long and cumbersome, but it will get done. Add to that list designing a training program for my kid, so he has steps to get to where he wants to be. I’ve started that a bit by studying his footwork to see where he has holes in his abilities. That is for another post–wednesday perhaps.

Today is about the idea of organization and schedule and how a life springs from that and namely how my life generally springs from needing something to do and in absence of a project (and in general) I lean towards games as a thing to do and TV as the other main thing to do. I’ve built up a library of shows to watch yet lack the desire to sit through them. This is a good sign. It shows me I am trying to develop a life that is more centered in my relationship than about the solitary things I generally lean on. Still, I’m left doing little in the middle of the day because I cannot figure out–we cannot figure out what works for us.

I digress. Truly. The source of this particular blog is the first steps. The source of this blog is the failure of planning and figuring how to better align myself to plan. I need it. I need routine and purpose and flow. I’m getting too long in the tooth to lack such things.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Veretasium is the Youtube GOAT of science right now. With respect to my fellow H.S. Alumni Dr. DeGrasse-Tyson (yes, humble flexing) this dude has it locked in.
  2. I need to do MORE in my classes. I need to be better in the space be it virtual or F2F.

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