6.880. Waiver Thursday

I’m talking SPORTS here!

I moved this one to Thursday in order to have a conversation about the Warriors. I love watching them play. It is not thuggish basketball as you see from the Mavericks. It is a fluid and fun exchange that is NOT driven by a single dude dropping his shoulder and careening towards the basket in search of a foul. That’s the Mavs. That’s the Bucks. That is not the Warriors. They have slashers and shooters and ball movement and off ball movement. They are fun to root for and I’ll be doing that for the NBA finals. I want them to win, but I want to see a great series between them and whoever emerges victorious from the East. Who do I think that will be? The Celtics.

I wish the Giants would emerge from the East. Honestly, I wish the Giants would take Colin K and see if he has anything left. I’m not sure we can believe in our man under center and that worries me. This new offense should give him a chance though. Meanwhile, I don’t think the Patriots are going to do very well either. They are looking to Joe Judge for play calls and the Giants discovered the folly of that. He’s just not that guy!

Sports gives me something distant to cheer for at a time when I really do need to feel good about something in my country. The gun violence is so far off the scale that we have more mass shootings this year than all of the other countries combined. That is a sick stat to process (if true–I have doubts). Regardless we are number one in the world in gun violence. We kill more Americans than anyone else in the world and those self-inflicted wounds are constantly politicized to push us further and further apart. Recently our former president re-truthed (not ready to talk abotu that sad debacle of a money grab) a simple phrase: Civil War.

No. no. no. I’m hoping to live in a country that doesn’t turn into shadowrun. Yet here we are. It worries me that most of the people making the noise in this nation are not actually doing anything to stop this and in truth are helping to further the nonsense. This is not the way. We need to be a better nation and we need to be a unified nation. We haven’t been that since Obama took office. I don’t blame him. He can’t help but be a physical manifestation of the fears drilled into people. Moreover, he cannot be held responsible for the hyper-politicization of the nation that followed. The Russians and our other cyber-savvy enemies did more towards that then he did.

Why, as a race, are we so damn divisive. We need a common goal in order to promote a common future. Alas, the allure of power is too compelling to even consider all being on the same page. If only we had a common enemy instead of turning each other into our enemy…

Dang. This was supposed to be about sports.

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