6.881. Reflections on A (Not) Comic-Con Night

First night of Phoenix Fan Fusion (read: Comic Con) in over 1000 nights and the event is pretty much as it was. I note less vendors and less events, but more energy and more big names in terms of signings and appearances. This has been a decent first day save for the fact that my boys got in a car accident. No one was hurt, but it sucks to recognize that I knew all day that it was going to happen and did nothing. How did I know? It was a feeling–flashes of knowing that when the three of them got in the car they’d be in a crash. It felt like me putting bad thoughts into the universe so I largely ignored it–especially since I was convinced only one of them was going out with this friend. When all three wound up going it should’ve been a red flag. Wasn’t.

Lately I’ve been feeling more connected to people I know and love but in the ethereal sense of connection. The other night I am convinced that my partner and I shared a dream–at least we had the same dream of perceived and experienced different parts of it. I don’t know what it means. I get strange feelings all the time, but not like this. Here is another odd one: When I go into VR and I’m watching a movie in that big theatre space that prime video projects, I am convinced there is another avatar in there with me just out of view. Strange. I ought to write that story.

Maybe I will.

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