9.960. Reflections on a Monday Night

I believe that writers are by nature competitive sorts. I believe we look at published authors and say, yeah, I should be in the conversation where they are at. I always look at writers and consider what they write and their level of success and question if they are better than me or worse and ask what significant differences exist between us that allows them to be at the level of success they are at while I am not. I think it breaks down into three main categories: Location, Life Balance, and forcible will.

Location matters for a number of reasons. Where you are inspires and influences who you are. I happen to live in a place that is not inspirational at all. I am a better writer in Seattle. I am a better writer in New York. The influences around me motivate me to be better. This is an extension of Garbage in, Garbage out. If where you live is effectively garbage (be it the space or the people in that space or the things to do in that space) then you’re filtering garbage through your words.

Life Balance also matters. I have a full time job that is a distraction from writing. I have kids that deserve attention. I have a partner who I give my attention to freely. My writing is ahead of work but behind people. There is not a suitable balance in any of it.

Forcible will is the part where you decide you won’t quit and you will put in the time and effort and proposals to be great. I am far lazier with that than I ought to be. It impacts what I get published.

All of these factors reflect on me in a way that reminds me why these heavily published authors are who they are and why I am who I am. Yet again, I’ll reach for GIjoe when I say, “Knowing is half the battle.”

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