9.961. Reflections on a Taco Tuesday

Still thinking about that work-life balance. I’ve been thinking more and more about the physical side of that balance–specifically being healthy. Writing does indeed mean Butt in Chair. Unfortunately, that is not the healthiest position for people to remain in for long stretches of time (and imagination). I try to get up and walk around every so often, but it is more likely I’ll catch myself hunched over the keyboard with a posture i’ll come to regret in ten years. What to do? I could be trendy and get one of those standing desks. However, that doesn’t feel like it is going to happen. I’m not hip enough for that.

I do go to the gym–though I have not gone or done anything physical in a week. Balance means making this a regular part of the day. Making anything regular is a force of habit. You need to decide that this is what you do regardless of not wanting to always do it. That is what I need to do with the health situation. I have a belly, and sitting in this chair all day is going to turn me into a poor man’s George RR Martin. I’m not prepared to see that happen. So, how much is it worth to me to make it not?

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