6.972. The One About Memes

I put forward my theory to my Mythology class and they basically finished for me. I started by saying, “Consider memes. How are they like Myths?” To which they responded with an explanation of myths as being a shorthanded form of communicating what people should know and understand but often being hijacked by other people who reshape them over time to suit their individual needs. So, I said, “Yes.” That was all I really had to offer them at that point. I have not developed the ideas beyond that, but I find a certain truth in the relationship between memes and myths. I want to explore it more in my writing, but I haven’t figured out a form in which to do that. I haven’t found the story.

I need to find a way back into the story I’m supposed to be writing for myself. I haven’t found that either, and the more and more I wait, the less relevant and interesting it becomes.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Week two of school is rolling in, and I am not ready.
  2. I’ll be ready by week 4…. I think.

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