6.971. Reflections on a Hundred Days

Here is a sad realization: I don’t know when the 100 days started but I know I failed. I know this because I looked back as far as June and found holes is the process. I did not write about writing every day. Sorry about that. It was a powerful undertaking that didn’t come to fruition. Want to know something else? I vastly underestimated the number of books about writing. I should’ve realized that I alone own over 100. That being said, I own less than 0.0001% of the possible books out there. Much less. Go ahead, do the math. I’ll wait.

Some Thoughts:

  1. Last pre-season game for the Giants is tomorrow and they face the Jets. This is a game where both teams are in the home locker room. Nice. More importantly, this is a game where the teams are ones I like and I am greatly interested in seeing who makes the final roster of 53… and who doesn’t.
  2. High School football is about to get underway for my boy and I hope he has done enough to start this next weekend in California. They play a pretty good team called Madison. They’re playing as part of the Honor Bowl.
  3. Here I am talking about football. It truly is a huge part of my existence.
  4. You know what I am not talking about? Writing.

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